We all have strength enough to endure the misfortunes of others.

- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

It's all happening!

I'm standing for election in the seat of Bennelong, on behalf of Pirates/Fusion

Check it out here

Alas, I'm no longer broadcasting. 

I plan to release a podcast in the new year.

Still, you can listen to some episodes so far, click here for a podcast list


Life is like flying a helicopter. I don't know how to fly a helicopter ...

Other content

I recently participated in a podcast with Project Gapnium, on AI and technology, I spoke about surveilance capitalism, oncoming crises, and corporate abuse.

Gene Tunny, host of the "economics explored" was kind enough to interview me, on Pirate economics generally, and also Advertising and surveilance capitalism.

But, further, I've made a series of speeches on behalf of the Pirate Party  ( some go back a while):

There's a talk I gave on Intellectual Property, shines a light on issues today. And, check out more of our content on You Tube, and my past shows on Community Radio


