I'm receiving multiple similar emails from different people about the same set of causes. Sites like getup.com , dogooder.co and advocacysender.com These sites offer to back causes, monetising your desire to change the world for the better.
It's all happening!
Alas, I'm no longer broadcasting.
I plan to release a podcast in the new year.
Still, you can listen to some episodes so far, click here for a podcast list
Also - I may yet stand for election on behalf of the Pirate Party,
or at least help in a campaign in a nearby electorate. Stay tuned!
Life is like flying a helicopter. I don't know how to fly a helicopter ...
Other content
Gene Tunny, host of the "economics explored" was kind enough to interview me, on Pirate economics generally, and also Advertising and surveilance capitalism.
But, further, I've made a series of speeches on behalf of the Pirate Party ( some go back a while):
- Government Surveilance & Foreign Policy
- Covid ( from 8 months ago, but captures a lot still worthwhile)
- The economy vs. real people, or how CPI gets it so wrong around accommodation
- Bureaucracy and waste ( from a year ago, but still relevant)
There's a talk I gave on Intellectual Property, shines a light on issues today. And, check out more of our content on You Tube, and my past shows on Community Radio